
busy but baking

I can't believe it's the middle of May already. What have I been up to while I've been ignoring my blog you ask? A lot. But I still managed to bake a little and capture the results on film to share with you.

Last weekend, Greg's parents were in town for a visit and we celebrated Mother's Day with a homemade brunch for both of our moms. Obviously I had to make scrumptious baked goods, so I decided on orange scones with chocolate chips and orange glaze.

The orange glaze made a bit of a mess, but it was totally worth it.

A lovely presentation of scones to accompany our egg casserole with sausage, onion and green pepper, a bowl of mixed fruit and bacon made for a delicious brunch. Mimosas made the card game played after brunch even more fun.

Still in a mini-chocolate chip mood this week, I decided to make my infamous banana cupcakes with peanut butter frosting. These are the most requested items that I make - even people who don't like bananas enjoy them. I added chocolate chips to half of the batch and it gave them an extra kick of sweetness.

The peanut butter frosting is what really makes them to die for though.

Lastly, here is a shot of our dinner last night. We decided to have breakfast for dinner and I used my omelet-making skills from culinary class last term to whip up some fluffy omelets. English muffins and hashbrowns (not pictured) made for a well-rounded dinner. Better than the chocolate fudge Poptarts we had for breakfast at least...


  1. Ah, finally a blog...and worth the wait!! Those muffins with the peanut butter frosting are what I want when "the aunts" come to visit next month. Will they be on the menu?? lol

  2. Yay! I've been looking for your blogs too! I LOVE those banana muffins... the chocolate chips I'm sure made them even better! I'll have to try that. :) I think I need to go back and re-read the blog on omelets, because mine NEVER look like that!

  3. I liked the cupcakes way better than the muffins.

  4. Everything looks so o o o o o good! Since this aunt is way down here in Tennessee, and hasn't had a chance to sample any of your fine baking, are you bringing me something to Fort Wayne in June? Well, at least, don't forget the ol' Christmas cookies I won in your "Swan" contest!!

  5. I'll see what I can do about peanut butter banana CUPCAKES two times in June...luckily I know plenty of people to eat them up if I get sick of them!

    And Kristy, I'll give you the insider tips on omelet making. Mine never used to look like that either, but it's not hard to do!
